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find your community here

Welcome to Gay Social! We're thrilled to have you here! At Gay Social, we’re all about bringing the vibrant LGBTQ+ community of New Jersey together.


Whether you're looking to make new connections, meetup with old friends or just have a great time, you're in the right place!

There's no membership - just friendship! Join us for an upcoming event!


commonly asked questions

do i need to sign up to be a member?

Nope! There's no membership. Our community-focused events are open to everyone.

do i need to rsvp to an event?

Sometimes! Many of our events are no rsvp required. However, some of our venue partners require us to prepay or provide a headcount ahead of an event. All the information will be in the event details so just be sure to read carefully.

what if i don't know anyone?

No problem! Our welcoming committee is on it! If you're new, we'll find you at our next event and will help you make your first connections.

a story of friendship

Born from a simple idea of frienship, Gay Social has blossomed into a thriving community where over 2,000 engaged followers across New Jersey find friendship and connection.


Join us as we celebrate the power of community and continue to build our community.


donate to keep our community growing

our featured supporters

We wouldn't be able to do what we do without the support of our donors and our partners.

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© 2024 Gay Social Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 

Gay Social Corporation is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

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